Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pumpkin Update...sad news

Sadly, our one hope for a pumpkin this year fell off the vine this morning. sniff, sniff. The bottom was rotted out and it had black spots on it. sniff, sniff. It didn't get much bigger than a tennis ball and even that's being generous. Now, we have to hope and pray for the best with the 5 little buds that are stil there. I told the kids just last night that we could let the pumpkins go until Thanksgiving to see how big they got. I didn't tell them Thanksgiving of what year. Could be '09 or '11 at this rate. Its not like we have to worry about frost here, folks.

So the vines keep growing and producing these beautiful flowers. But sadly, our pumpkins aren't taking to life in our little town.

I heard a blurb on the news last night about growing lettuce. After paying $1.49 for a really little, lame head of lettuce yesterday, maybe I'll give that a try. I have to be able to grow something besides pink geraniums and silk plants.

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