Thursday, September 18, 2008

More fun things to do with your kids...

The other night, my son wanted to find some new songs for his PSP. He asked for 'Where is the love' by Blackeyed Peas. (Okay, he's 9, where did he hear that?) I pulled up my iTunes library and played it for him. (Yes, I have that song on my iPod, but he doesn't listen to it, so I still don't know where he heard it.) As we looked through the list, he pointed to 'Hotel California' and asked to hear it. I told my peanuts that 'Hotel California' is a classic rock song, one of the best, by an amazing old group called the Eagles.
"Are there words?" asked peanut #2.
"Yes, just wait..." I responded.
I guess the intro was too long and they lost interest. (Mom's ADD is rubbing off on them.) So we went on to a few more songs. We were dancing, singing, twirling (not so much my son) and shaking it.
Try it sometime. Take the lead, they'll follow. Its fun to teach them the words to old classics while dancing like no one else is watching.

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