Saturday, August 23, 2008

I need a bigger plate

I told my husband last night that I need a bigger plate. Or another day added to the week. Either one would make me happy. I don't want you to think that I'm complaining about my life...I'm not at all. I love my life/family/home. It's just that I've been trying to cut back. Not doing so well with that. So lets do a run down of my current activities:
**Arts Attack administrator. I coordinate the art program at school with all the teachers and volunteers. Time consuming at the beginning of the school year, then tapers off a little.
**Arts Attack volunteer. In both my kids' classes, of course.
**Jr. Great books reading program with the GATE kids for my son's class. I pull the kids out once a week and we read and talk about a story we read.
**Posssible room mom for one or both classes. Depends on if anyone else ponies up to do it!
**CCD co-teacher. How did I, an adult convert, become responsible for the religious education of 10 second graders getting ready for 1st reconciliation and 1st communion? Dunno about that one!
**Taxi driver. Not really, but my kids do have soccer and dance lessons to get to.
**Neighborhood watch co-captain. Our meeting is October 2nd if you'd like to come. We've had a rash of car break ins and and episode of really bad grafitti. (The kind that gets the FBI and Anti Defimation League involved.) Really weird because my little 'hood is really nice and quiet.
**CEO of my house. You know, the one who cooks, cleans, does laundry, shops, does some yardwork and any other necessary tasks to keep my home running smoothly.

This is all kind of ironic, too, because I've been trying to SIMPLIFY my life and make things easier. If I don't find a bigger plate, I'm gonna be in some trouble!

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