Sunday, January 3, 2010

Favorite things...

I found a new favorite thing.  Its cool.  It saved me a bunch of money, but more on that later. 

Its called Lemi Shine.
(Disclaimer:  I don't know anyone at Lemi Shine, they aren't paying me a dime, not even in free Lemi Shine.)

Let me back up a little.  A few months ago, I was ready to head to Sears to look for a new dishwasher.  Mine was almost 8 years old and I thought a new one might get my dishes cleaner and get rid of those awful spots on my glasses.  They were looking milky, not clear. 

Then I thought about it.  Maybe I should just get new glasses.  After all, they were almost 8 years old.  (Sensing a theme here?  Yes, I moved into my house almost 8 years ago.)  Then I was reading my favorite blog, The Pioneer Woman, and she mentioned Lemi Shine.  I thought, a $3.49 fix might be more cost effective than a new dishwasher OR new glasses.  So I ran to Target, bought some, ran home and started the diswasher.  Lo and behold, my glasses looked better. 

A week later, the white scalely build up at the bottom of my dishwasher was gone. 

I'm telling you, this stuff is amazing.  A miralce.  A $3.49 fix.  One of my most favorite things.

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