Monday, December 21, 2009

What to do next?

Its not as if I have nothing to do right now. There's plenty. I just don't know where to start.

Plan meals for the next few days, make a shopping list and get my butt to the store?

Wrap some presents while the kids aren't looking?

Start another load of laundry?

Go for a run?

I know what I'd like to do...
Cozy up under a blanket and watch a movie. Doesn't matter what the movie is, I'll be asleep inside of 10 minutes anyways!

I can't run because I don't want to leave one of my peanuts home alone. (One is at soccer with Dad.)
I already did 2 loads of laundry. That's pretty productive in my book.
I need to wait until the kids are gone to wrap. I'll get busted if I don't.
I guess I'll meal-plan and get ready to shop.

But wait...what is my peanut watching now?  Is that a blanket next to him?

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