Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why I don't buy the good candy for halloween

I bought our Halloween candy at Costco yesterday. (Walmart seemed expensive...can you believe it? They wanted $12.97 for a kinda little bag.) I admit it. I didn't buy the good stuff. I don't think my husband has seen the bags yet, in fact I know he hasn't.

I'd know it if he did.

I got A & W Rootbeer barrels. Laffy Taffy. Werthers drops. Twizzlers. Smarties. DumDums. Need I go on? Not the good stuff. There's no chocolate or bubblegum. But here's my theory:

My peanuts will get good candy. They'll get plenty of chocolate and bubblegum. I don't need the good stuff sitting around the house. Its too tempting. Some would argue that kids will label us a 'lame candy house'. I beg to differ. I give out handfuls. The kids don't really see whats in the bowl...I hold it up higher than their little heads. Then I drop a handful in their bag, bucket, pillowcase. They know they got a handful, but they won't know exactly what they got from me, because its all mixed up anyways! (I AM smarter than a 5th grader!)

So, I'm just waiting now for my husband to notice the lame candy bags on the counter.

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